THE government has
resolved to sell portions of
embattled national airline,
SAA to private companies.
The decision was taken at
the ANC’s national executive
meeting at the end of
According to media
reports, the government first
considered selling SAA in its
entirety but it was agreed
that the likelihood of anyone
buying it was minimal
because of its poor financial
Instead of bearing the
costs of its debts, the
government has resolved
that it would look at
international airline carriers
to buy a portion of SAA.
A R5,5bn bailout has been
approved for SAA for the
2019/2020 financial year,
in adition to the R10bn it
received in this and last
year’s financial periods.
The Department of Public
Enterprises declined to
Portions of SAA to be sold
23 Oct 2019 - by Deena Robinson
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