AT THE conference, a panel
of successful local TCs spoke
about their experiences
and how they had become
Helen Shelver had a 114%
increase in her business
over the last year. “When I
stopped looking outward and
started looking inward, my
business changed! We have
the best team in the world –
so caring.”
Lyndill Cilliers, who had
seen a 67% increase in her
business, said: “I’m proud of
my service fee and deserve
the fee I charge. I don’t feel
guilty about what I charge.
I am open with my clients,
including about the service
fee. My clients ‘get it’ and
are prepared to pay. And I
always use Phenix.”
Debbie Taylor saw an
increase of 11% for the year.
She attributed it to having
mastered the management
reporting system and said
being able to produce
management and cost-saving
reports monthly had brought
satisfaction to her clients.
Chantel Smuts reported
an increase of 15,2%. She
has been a fan of the app,
MyTC, since its inception
and believes it helps her get
business. “I tested the app
myself and saw how easy it
was. If everyone understood
how easy it was, they would
all use it and recommend it.
I tell the client immediately
about the app. It’s an
advantage. It gives clients
access to a lot of value.”
Ros de la Hunt, a TC for 10
years and a Gold Counsellor,
had a 21% increase in her
business. She pointed out
the good commissions on
Phenix, saying she always
looked there first.
‘How I increased sales’
20 Jun 2019
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