City Lodge Hotel Group (CLHG) has donated R403 200 – given by CLHG guests online
– to three charities: the Cancer Association of South Africa; Hospice Palliative Care
Association of South Africa; and Food & Trees for Africa. Back row (from left): John
Chiu, Germiston Lake; Suzanne Cranston de Jager, Rivonia; Mariska Von Richter,
Centurion; Jani Lighelm, Johannesburg Airport; and Marvin Theron, Randburg, all
gms at CLHG. Front row (from left): Robyn Hills from Food & Trees Africa; Bulelani
Kuwane from Hospice; and Munnik Marais from Cansa.
Photocap: CLHG makes a difference
22 Jul 2019
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