Iata agencies.
The group, which once
claimed a footprint
spanning beyond South
Africa to Gaborone,
Maseru, Lusaka and Accra
and consisting of more
than 80 members in 2008,
shrunk to fewer than 50
members in 2015.
The decline came after a
failed attempt to privatise
the group, which was up
for sale in 2014. Then
ceo, Bulelwa Koyana, said
at the time that there had
been interest in SATC
from a number of industry
players over the years but
no sale materialised. TNW
understands that the price
wasn’t right. XL Travel was
rumoured to be in talks
with SAA to purchase SATC
at that time.
In 2016, SATC and XL
Travel signed an MoU to
collaborate on preferred
suppliers’ contracts.
Phocap: XLent!
07 Nov 2018
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