AGENCIES that have been
certified PCI DSS compliant
are up to date with the
latest requirements, certifier
Foregenix has confirmed.
Richard Henwood, business
development at Foregenix,
explained to TNW that the
latest update, PCI DSS 3.2,
was the version on which
it certified travel agencies
in South Africa. He added,
however, that a new version
was expected to be rolled out
in January or February next
Perry Flint, head of
corporate communications,
North America, said Iata’s PCI
DSS compliance requirements
did not change with the
release of a PCI DSS updated
version, and that the release
of a new PCI DSS version
did not invalidate current
compliancy certificates.
“When two PCI DSS
versions co-exist because of
the roll-out of a new updated
one, the market participants
can decide against which
version they certify, until the
older version is withdrawn,”
he said.
PCI DSS: industry on latest version
16 May 2018 - by Tessa Reed
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