ASATA’S value proposition
for the aviation industry has
been called into question
by two airlines choosing not
to renew their membership.
In a recent notification
sent out to its members,
Asata announced that
Lufthansa and Air Mauritius
were among those
organisations that had
chosen to not renew their
“We have made a call
this year not to renew our
Asata membership, as
we do not see the value
of Asata to the aviation
community. Times are
tough and we’ve had to
look at costs and the
associations that add the
most value to the airline.
Air Mauritius already has very
strong relationships with our
retail travel partners and we
feel that it is more productive
to deal with agents and tour
operators directly,” says Carla
da Silva, Air Mauritius regional
general manager: Southern
Africa and Latin America.
Lufthansa told TNW: “Asata
is the professional body
in South Africa for travel
agents specifically. As an
airline, Lufthansa would not
ordinarily be a member of this
association.” André Schulz, gm
of Lufthansa in South Africa,
says: “This has no bearing
on Lufthansa’s approach to
engaging with travel agents.”
Lufthansa will remain a
member of airline associations
Barsa and Iata.
Asata has responded that
the role of the association has
evolved over its existence to
best serve the interests and
needs of travel agents in the
South African market. “That
does not preclude those of our
industry partners which, over
the years, have chosen to join
or resign from the association
based on their business needs
and the value they believe
Asata brings them from time
to time,” says Otto de Vries,
Asata is due to host a
Partner Event on July 8
at which it will discuss its
partner value proposition for
2019/2010. At the event,
the association will share
its new sponsorship options
and pricing models, which
it will introduce from 2020.
The event will be held at
Asata's offices in Hurlingham,