IT WAS in May 1999 that
Garth Wolff was drawn to
the ITC model because of
the lack of overheads. He
already knew the biggest
expenses for a traditional
travel company were the
salaries and rent. “I thought:
How could we get rid of
these expenses? If you had
independents, working from
the offices of corporate
clients or from their own
homes, you wouldn’t have
to accommodate them in
an office space. And if you
took away the salary, and
used incentives instead, you
wouldn’t have to worry about
that expense either!”
Today, eTravel is a
household word in the travel
industry, a successful,
respected and much-awarded
travel brand and Garth is ceo.
Tammy Hunt, eTravel md,
believes this particular ITC
model has many advantages.
One is that it protects both
the client and the agent.
And by removing all the
onerous tasks like debtors
and creditors, the client,
suppliers, and eTravel itself
are protected through its
central management of
Despite the company
having started in the Gauteng
region, today 60% of its ITCs
are in the coastal region. “It’s
the people who make the
difference. Tammy was key in
facilitating the growth in the
coastal region,” says Garth of
his md.
From a management point
of view, Garth believes
eTravel fosters a culture of
family. “Making decisions
is like sitting around the
dinner table making a
decision about what the
family is going to do,” says
Garth. The company handles
each situation on an ad
hoc basis, examining the
cases at hand individually.
“We look at the ITC, how
long have they been with us,
what kind of ITC are they,
how good are they to our
preferred partners,”
he says.
Tammy agrees that the
company employs a familystyle management. She
adds that, importantly,
the company is not in
competition with the ITCs.
“They know they can trust
us and we aren’t going to
take their clients away from
them at any point,” she
24-hour troubleshooting
As technology has shifted
over the last 20 years, the
travel agency models have
changed too. “ITCs can
work from anywhere in the
world these days. Some
ITCs will go on holiday with
their families and actually
take their laptops with them
and be able to service their
clients via email,” says
This shift has allowed the
ITC not to have to worry
about what to do with
clients when the consultant
is on leave.
To ensure the right level
of support, eTravel employs
professional ticketing
consultants, who make use
of advancing technology to
assist ITCs. “They use iPads
so they can assist an ITC
who has an irate passenger
stuck in China, for example,
regardless of the time of
day. The ticketing consultant
could be sitting in a
restaurant or in the queue
at a supermarket,” Garth
says. “People are scared of
technology. But we are using
it to our benefit.”
Fraud protection
eTravel takes steps to
protect head office, ITCs,
clients and suppliers from
fraud. Tammy says: “We
have a strict cleared funds
policy. We don’t process any
transaction unless we have
cleared funds in the bank
or we have a CCCF for every
single transaction.” eTravel
functions as the Iatalicensed agent for its ITCs,
but does not have direct
contact with clients, so the
company employs a ticketing
and quality department that
will double check the details
of every transaction.
Tammy, who was an ITC
herself, understands the
need of ITCs to look after
clients and ensure easy
booking and travel, and that
by removing the stress of
worrying about cash flow
and risk, the ITC is able to
do this efficiently. “It’s up
to us as eTravel to protect
the industry and continue to
give the ITC model a good
eTravel aims to ensure
that the ITC is never in a
position of being under
pressure to book travel
but not having the funds
in hand. “Ultimately poor
management of funds gives
us a bad name, it costs
the ITC money and it costs
us money,” says Garth. By
removing the need for the
ITC to manage cash flow,
these instances are rare.
Future looks bright
Although there is pressure
in the economy, Tammy and
Garth are not concerned.
Garth sees opportunity in
the travel industry. “People
who take advantage of the
opportunity that comes out
of change will come out on
top,” he says.
eTravel – two decades, still growing
21 Jun 2019
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