MILES van der Molen,
CemAir ceo, says more
resources have been
deployed to the airline’s
refund resource team
this week – doubling its
size – to accelerate the
A survey of Asata
members taken during
mid-November has
revealed that 909
refunds, amounting
to a cash value of
R2 200 000, as a result
of the grounding of the
airline in December
2018, are still owed to
travel agents’ clients.
These figures were
based on responses
from 76 Asata members.
“Total industry figures
could be even higher,”
says ceo of Asata, Otto
de Vries.
Asata has raised its
concerns that CemAir
has re-entered the
market and attempted to
reinstate itself with BSP
when such substantial
amounts are still owed to
CemAir ‘doubles’ refund efforts
18 Dec 2019 - by Sarah Robertson
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