Taking digital to
Once in the store,
advanced hightech screens show
promotional content and
also contain embedded
cameras that are able
to scan the customer,
analyse their age,
gender and how long
they watch video ads
for. This helps target
what’s on the screen per
customer, and helps the
ad creators know which
ads are keeping people’s
attention and which are
not. This also allows
Thomas Cook to relay
back to its partners what
is working to pull and
keep customers.
This point prompted
a question from the
audience: how does
this work in line with
GDPR’s new datastoring laws? Stuart
noted that, in fact, once
analysed, the physical
data of each person
was not stored, their
information was added
to the algorithm. Without
storing data, they were
able to overcome GDPR
Case study: Thomas Cook and the mountain of data
29 Jul 2019 - by Catherine Bower
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