A departing flight from Durban to Cape Town had an unexpected arrival last week when a woman went into labour after boarding flight GE375.
The expectant mother informed the LIFT crew that she was feeling unwell, moments before the flight was due to depart. While the mom-to-be was under the 32-week mark and therefore safe to fly, it was decided that she should disembark.
“While the gate staff were fetching a wheelchair to take the pregnant passenger to the departure lounge, she informed the crew that she had gone into labour,” said Jonathan Ayache, Lift CEO.
Thankfully, there were doctors on the flight who sprung into action to help the crew ensure a smooth delivery and check the baby’s vitals. With help from crew and passengers, the new mother safely delivered the baby on the airbridge.
ER24 paramedics arrived shortly after and transported mom and baby to hospital. Both are reported to be healthy.
“It’s not every day we have a baby born on a flight. It was a special moment for everyone involved, and certainly a memorable one for LIFT!” said Ayache.