NDC is not a uniform technology and it can look different from one organisation to the next. There are different ways to connect to NDC depending on which GDS supplier you use.
Travelport Marketplace
Where NDC content is available, your Travelport Account Manager or Customer Success Manager will ensure you have been enabled for the content. To access NDC content you must be provisioned for NDC with Travelport and registered with the NDC airline.
Once you have been provided permission to access the NDC Web Plugin from your Travelport account representative, your registered Agency Administrator will be able to download and distribute the plugin from Travelport Marketplace.
Amadeus Selling Platform
Content activation steps for NDC Amadeus users can be found in Amadeus Service hub. Your Amadeus Account Manager will facilitate training and assistance and show you where to find the Request to activate NDC Content on Amadeus Selling Platform Connect.
Offer and order management is the basis of NDC, a new method of selling air travel products that enables airlines to create and distribute personalised offers to your customers. It is based on the principles of retailing, where airlines are able to create unique offers that meet the specific needs of an individual customer and the offer is then converted into an order.
What is an Offer?
An Offer is a response to a flight search that you have initiated. The airline will respond to your flight search with multiple flight options and/or price options through their own fare brands. Each of these options is defined as an Offer and is given a specific Offer reference that is held for a limited amount of time with a guaranteed price to support your interaction with your customer.
What is an Order?
In the case where your customer wishes to purchase an Offer you have presented, this Offer is converted into an Order. The Order will consist of the Flight Booking and any additional ancillary products (e.g. seats, lounge, etc.) with all associated information covering passenger details, etc.
What about ADMs?
Each transaction that takes place will be validated by the airline. It will be virtually impossible for agents to receive ADMs.