When signing up for Avis Preferred, Avis’s exclusive loyalty programme, members can rest assured that they are receiving the best service possible. Benefits differ across membership tiers and don’t just start with vehicle hire – they begin the moment members sign up, which can be done in a matter of minutes.
Here are some of the benefits:
- Signing up is free
- Receive 10% off future car rentals across Europe and South Africa*
- Book direct
- Priority service every time
- Exclusive partner offers
- Keys and paperwork ready and waiting at certain locations
*10% discount is off basic time and mileage and does not include any additional mandatory costs (such as tax or airport surcharges) or additional extras. Discount is applicable for rentals in participating countries. T&Cs apply.
Visit the Avis Preferred portal here: https://www.avis.co.za/your-avis/avis-loyalty#.