HOW do you run a hotel
when there is blasting
going on? Located across
the road from the Stock
Exchange, the Balalaika,
one of the oldest and
largest hotels in Sandton,
has been surrounded by
disruptive construction work
for over seven years.
This has just ended with
the opening of the adjoining
Maude & Rivonia Centre,
finally complete, and the
Protea Balalaika’s own
R20 million improvements
also in place.
Central to this is the new
Bull Run restaurant, set to
become an iconic landmark
when a giant 3,5m bronze
bull is installed in the street
outside later this month.
Gm, Jorg Zwinscher
(right), was there to toast
his team for surviving the
past and also to a bright
future. With him at the
launch were friends of
the hotel and the private
owners who bought the
property 40 years ago.
Balalaika is back!
29 Aug 2018
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